Make a Saddle Pad or Sox Pattern

DO NOT SEND us your old pads.  We take patterns ONLY.

Cut a solid sheet of paper (the back of gift wrapping paper works great) the length of the panel or skirt. Set the saddle on a stand and have a helper lift up the saddle so you can slide the paper under the panel or skirt (we only need one side, so trace only one side). We also recommend that you use a blanket or pad under the paper (over the stand) making tracing easier. Then use a fine-tip “Sharpie ®”-type marker and trace the outline exactly.

We will allow for seam allowances and movement room.

Cut out the pattern and fit it to the panel or skirt to check fit.

  • You MUST write the following on the pattern before sending to us:
    • Mark on the pattern, the location of the panel-mounting pedestals with an X
    • The saddle’s serial number
    • Seat size
    • Your name, address, email and phone number.
    • Color of top material and type of fleece for bottom, along with any other additional details (I WILL NOT take this information by phone, as I have had too many customers wanting their saddle sox order free just because they changed their mind…and forgot to tell me!)  YOU must write down in your hand just want you want. 
  • How to trace a western saddle: 
    • Trace the skirt/panel, lifting up drop yoke rigging.
    • Then drop the rigging and trace around that, including the “D” ring, but stopping there.
    • The area that will give you the most difficulty is tracing down the center of the saddle. Do your best, you will have to guess how the skirt panel flows (the center does not fit into a pocket like the back and front, so DON’T let your guess stress you out).
    • This is your template and your saddle sox will be made exactly the way you submit your pattern.
  • How to trace an English or endurance saddle: 
    • Trace the panel, lifting up the flap.
    • Then drop the flap and trace around that.
    • The area that will give you the most difficulty is tracing down the center of the saddle. Do your best; you will have to guess how the panel flows (the center does not fit into a pocket like the back and front, so DON’T let your guess stress you out).
    • This is your template and your saddle sox will be made exactly as you submit your pattern.